Negotiation styles and their impact on the organizational climate of Electromart electrical appliance stores in the city of Machala

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Michelle Carolina Muñoz-Delgado
Nancy Janneth Tapia-Espinoza
Iddar Ivan Jaya-Pineda
Andrés Marcelo Pacheco-Molina


The negotiation styles establish the management and behavior of all the departments that make up a company, since it is necessary to know their incidence and establish how they are affecting all the collaborators who work in said institutions; everyone at any moment is involved in some negotiation process; Likewise, the work environment and also the behavior of the client influence the results that companies want in their search to achieve a good organizational climate. Thomas Kilmann in 1970 identified 5 styles of negotiation for conflict management and they are the following: competitive negotiator, fair negotiator, evasive negotiator, adaptive negotiator and collaborative negotiator.
This research is based on the bibliographic research method for the scientific foundation and on the observation and interview techniques with a qualitative approach to allow a critical analysis of the negotiation styles that are handled in the different departments of the Electromart appliance stores. of the city of Machala and in turn these results will help us to identify the incidents in the organizational climate of the company. With this investigation, it will be determined if the negotiation styles affect the organizational climate of the Electromart stores, we will also determine which negotiation style is the one that is present in each of the bosses and the way to improve it or which negotiator style is the most ideal to achieve the objectives of the warehouse.


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How to Cite
Muñoz-Delgado, M. ., Tapia-Espinoza , N., Jaya Pineda , . I. ., & Pacheco-Molina, . A. . (2021). Negotiation styles and their impact on the organizational climate of Electromart electrical appliance stores in the city of Machala. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(6), 437-450.
Author Biographies

Michelle Carolina Muñoz-Delgado, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


I am Michelle Muñoz, graduated from the Technical University of Machala in the Business Administration career, my professional experience in the private sector for more than 5 years in the Administration area, standing out in the Administrative and Accounting departments. 

Nancy Janneth Tapia-Espinoza , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Experience in the business area: in management, sales; and, in university teacher since 2000; (b) Auditor, Commercial Engineer, Master in Business Management; Higher Diploma of Fourth Level in Strategic Marketing Management among other studies carried out; (c) academic production in social sciences: economics and business (management) and education. 

Iddar Ivan Jaya-Pineda , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Master in Business Administration, Commercial Engineer, Bachelor of Business Administration. Currently PhD at the University of Zulia, Venezuela. He served as Coordinator of the Business Administration career of the Academic Unit of Business Sciences. He has been a speaker at national and international congresses. He has authored book chapters. At present he teaches in the subjects of Human Talent Management and Corporate Social Responsibility.

Andrés Marcelo Pacheco-Molina, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Associate Professor 1 of the Technical University of Machala  Co-Director and active participant of Research groups at UTMACH Master in business administration and management - Universidad Tecnológica Empresarial de Guayaquil (UTEG)  Commercial Engineer - Technical University of Machala (UTMACH) 


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