Corporate Social Responsibility and post-pandemic philanthropy in the banana sector: Hacienda Rosa Delia case

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Jhon Jairo Quichimbo-Sánchez
Víctor Javier Garzón-Montealegre


Social Responsibility (SR) and philanthropy are two concepts that have a close relationship, although there is also literature where it is mentioned, there is a very marked difference between them, a fact that in recent years has generated a controversy that has become more and more controversial. for the implications and the number of acts that occur as philanthropic actions and try to be camouflaged as socially responsible actions. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of actions taken by companies, organizations and NGOs has increased, therefore, it became essential to analyze the CSR of a banana producer through a non-experimental cross-sectional study where in the first place In this instance, the type of orientation of the group of managers who are in charge of this area was assessed and subsequently an in-depth analysis of the SR actions developed exclusively to face the pandemic was carried out. The present descriptive research was used a non-probabilistic sampling and applied measures of central tendency, median, mode, arithmetic mean, and the results are presented evaluating the constructs that allow qualifying a company as socially responsible, the pillars of sustainability and the motivators to adopt the CSR program, obtaining as main findings that are the characteristics of the community that serve as input to plan the actions that agree between the economic, social and environmental objectives, it focuses on increasing the well-being of the community and complying with the expectations of customers, and that the main reason for its CSR program is to obtain competitive advantages, aligning everything with the provision of biosafety implements, training, economic bonuses and raw materials to face the emergency, and readapting the infrastructure with the necessary elements to promote positive behaviors.


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How to Cite
Quichimbo-Sánchez, J., & Garzón-Montealegre, V. . (2021). Corporate Social Responsibility and post-pandemic philanthropy in the banana sector: Hacienda Rosa Delia case. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(6-1), 325-335.
Author Biographies

Jhon Jairo Quichimbo-Sánchez, Universidad Técnica de Machala-Ecuador


Agronomic Engineering student at the
Technical University of Machala,
graduated from the Zoila Ugarte de
Landívar school in the QUIBIO specialty.
Currently I am working with the position of
Auditor in the MIDAJA company of
PALMAR corporation

Víctor Javier Garzón-Montealegre, Universidad Técnica de Machala-Ecuador


Víctor Javier Garzón Montealegre,
Economista, graduado en la Universidad
de Cuenca, Magíster en Economía
Agraria de la Universidad Agraria del
Ecuador. Docente de la Universidad
Técnica de Machala, Facultad de
Ciencias Agropecuarias desde el año
2014 hasta la actualidad. Co-autor del
libro de Innovación Tecnológica en el
Sector Agropecuario. Autor de varios
artículos científicos relacionados con el
sector empresarial y agropecuario, en
revistas indexadas como REMCA,
Dominio de las Ciencias, Polo del
Conocimiento, Conrado, Ciencia y


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