Storytelling and its impact on the viralization of advertising content. Pilsener case

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Neyser Rivaldo Campoverde-Hurtado
Jonathan Steeven Bravo-Jiménez
Franklin Renato Villota-García


With the constant evolution of advertising and market saturation, the traditional advertising techniques are ineffective, because of this and considering that emotional content is more prone and more effective to go viral, new techniques such as storytelling are used so that the brands can approach consumers through stories. Consequently, the need arises to analyze the incidence of storytelling in the process of viralization of advertising content. The research is qualitative, through the development of a descriptive and comparative analysis of two advertising pieces of the Ecuadorian brand Pil-sener, the methods used are bibliographic review and observation. The results show that advertisements with storytelling positively influence the process of content viralization, the influence is evidenced in its greater distribution and in the feedback that is generated between the brand and the user.


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How to Cite
Campoverde-Hurtado, N. ., Bravo-Jiménez, J. ., & Villota-García, F. (2021). Storytelling and its impact on the viralization of advertising content. Pilsener case. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(6), 451-461.
Author Biographies

Neyser Rivaldo Campoverde-Hurtado, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


I am Neyser Campoverde, an eighth semester student in Marketing at the Technical University of Machala. I have participated in various events organized by the UTMACH, I have also attended various seminars related to my career, as well as I have carried out outreach work for the benefit of the various associations in the province of El Oro, I have also carried out research and academic projects . 

Jonathan Steeven Bravo-Jiménez, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


My name is Jonathan Bravo, a student at the Technical University of Machala, I study Marketing, I am currently in the 8th level of my career. He attended constant training related to my university career, I have also carried out projects and pre-professional practices for academic purposes, as well as participated in exhibitions and openings in different events at my university. 

Franklin Renato Villota-García, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Professor-researcher at the Technical University of Machala, Member of the GLOBAL PLUS research group. Graduated in Graphic Design, Master in Audiovisual Digital Post Production from the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral. Certification of Trainer of Trainers, Experience in university teaching since 2013. Corporate Image Consultant. Owner Manager of RVG - Visual Communication. 


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