The transdisciplinarization of Unit Operations in the Industrial Engineering career of the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés

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Hugo Alberto Mobarec-Clavijo


The objective of this research is to know some important characteristics of the application of transdisciplinarization in the end-of-course projects of unit operations of the Industrial Engineering career of the Universidad Mayor De San Andrés, within its teaching-learning process .
The method used is qualitative observation, within the comparative meta-analysis, based on a survey that critically analyzes student considerations as the final effect of applications in end-of-year projects.
The vision of the industrial engineer from career planning, as seen in his Study Plan, seeks the training of the versatile engineer and aware of the consequences of his decisions, with high social sensitivity and humanistic structure, capable of planning, organizing, directing and control any type of organization.
The intuitive introduction of complex analysis and transdiscipline as critical elements leads us to the path of production-society-man from the primary stages of production, that is, in unit operations. Their observance and acceptance of the teaching “style” reflects throughout the career and in the training of the engineer.
The results obtained through the conclusions clarify and show us the variables and categories of this disciplinary integration in an attempt to find out what would motivate students on this path.


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How to Cite
Mobarec-Clavijo, H. (2022). The transdisciplinarization of Unit Operations in the Industrial Engineering career of the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(1), 30-39.
Author Biography

Hugo Alberto Mobarec-Clavijo, Escuela Militar de Ingenieria-Bolivia


Chemical engineer.

Several diplomas in higher education

Master in Research Methodology

Emeritus Professor of the UMSA

Doctorate in Complexity at EMI


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