The Habeas Corpus as a guarantee of the right to life and integrity in Ecuador

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Clara Elizabeth Soria-Carpio


This essay seeks to present an approach to the habeas corpus action as an adequate and effective guarantee against the violation of the right to life and physical integrity of people incarcerated in Ecuador. Normatively, the so-called corrective habeas corpus has been established for more than ten years in the Ecuadorian constitutional regime. However, it has been considered from a traditional conception: an action that seeks to verify if the deprivation of liberty is illegal, illegitimate or arbitrary.
The constant jurisprudential updating developed by the Constitutional Court proposes new challenges to society, lawyers and judges, since it has established the first practical parameters to consider in the face of undeniable violations of the integrity of people deprived of liberty and, at the same time, habeas corpus has been ratified as an adequate and effective guarantee to protect the life and integrity of imprisoned people.


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How to Cite
Soria-Carpio, C. (2021). The Habeas Corpus as a guarantee of the right to life and integrity in Ecuador . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(5-1), 333-344.
Author Biography

Clara Elizabeth Soria-Carpio, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador


Master’s teacher in Constitucional Law program of the Indoameric Tecnologic University Campus Quito. Assigned Subject: Fundamental Rights.

Experience in pregraduate and postgraduate in subjects related to criminal law, procesal law and litigation techniques.

Director and Tutor of thesis at the  diferents Universities as: UTI, PUCESA.

Public Criminal defender since 2012. Master's degree in Constitutional and Criminal Law from the UASB and candidate for PHD from the Pablo de Olavide University.


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