The psychic influence as a direct instrument for media authority

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Josué Ricardo González-Escalante
Allison Deyaneira González-Brito
Luis Johao Campoverde-Nivicela


When talking about participation and mediate authorship, it is addressed to the Comprehensive Criminal Code (COIP) of Ecuador, thus it was found that in Article 42 literal 2 it talks about those people who carry out actions such as suggestions, threats, Among others, to incite others to commit a crime, they are also considered responsible for it, despite the fact that he was not the one who carried out the action, considering themselves as mediate perpetrators, in this way the principle of collateral crime is violated, to this is attached the psychic influence, since in its vast majority it is used as a direct tool for this type of authorship, causing the person who executes the action to be directed by influences such as councils, recommendations, among others, to carry out the crime. The objective of this project was the analysis of the way that Psychic Influx intervenes as a direct instrument for mediate authorship, that is why, based on a qualitative method, the various scientific and technical concepts that are related to psychic influence were clarified as tool for mediate authorship. The principle of a criminal action is based on the illegal, the typical and the guilty act and its sanction is based on the guarantee of criminal law and the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador.



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How to Cite
González-Escalante, J., González-Brito, A., & Campoverde-Nivicela, L. . (2021). The psychic influence as a direct instrument for media authority . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(5-1), 82-90.
Author Biographies

Josué Ricardo González-Escalante, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Primary Studies, Julio María Matovelle Educational Unit Secondary studies, Private Educational Unit Liceo Naval Jambelí. Graduated from the Jurisprudence career of the Technical University of Machala (UTMACH)

Allison Deyaneira González-Brito, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Education, Private Educational Unit "JAVIER" where I managed to obtain, thanks to my efforts and dedication, the First place as Escort of the National Pavilion, in which my secondary education corresponds to the Private Educational Unit "HERMANO MIGUEL" I obtained a scholarship from the eighth grade course up to tenth for obtaining the best course average during the three years, I finished my studies in 2016 graduating as a Bachelor of Science with a grade of 9.49 (NINE AND FORTY-NINE). Regarding my higher education, I did it at the TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MACHALA the career of Jurisprudence, culminating and being a graduate of the same

Luis Johao Campoverde-Nivicela, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Undergraduate, Technical University of Machala Lawyer to obtain the title of Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic - Postgraduate Diploma, Catholic University of Cuenca with the title of Higher Diploma in Civil Law Research - Specialty Postgraduate, Catholic University of Cuenca to obtain the title of Specialist in Comparative Civil Law - Postgraduate Specialty Universidad del Azuay Specialist, with the title of Lawyer in Criminal Law - Postgraduate Master, Units with the title of Magister in Civil and Civil Procedural Law - Postgraduate Master, University of Guayaquil with the title Magister in Fundamental Rights and Constitutional Justice


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