Covid-19 effect in Ecuador: Analysis of income tax collection 2019-2020 Resumen

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Kevin Eduardo Páez-Abad
Dayana Micaela Cabrera-Pucha
Néstor Daniel Gutiérrez-Jaramillo


This research aims to carry out a comparative analysis of the effects of Covid-19 in the collection of Income Tax in 2020, taking as a reference the collections of 2019. The applied methodology is quantitative-analytical in nature based on collection of statistical data of the Internal Revenue Service of Ecuador and bibliographic review focused on scientific articles, where each of the income tax taxes, withholdings at source, personal and legal income tax, income tax is analyzed. to inheritances, bequests and donations. The results show that the impact generated by the covid19 on the Ecuadorian economy was negative during the months of April to December of the year 2020; The Ecuadorian State as an adjustment measure establishes the deferral of income tax payments, this meant a decrease in income in the tax administration of almost 34% compared to 2019, however, with the recovery of contributions only As of September 2020, a significant improvement in income is already perceived.


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How to Cite
Páez-Abad, K., Cabrera-Pucha, D., & Gutiérrez-Jaramillo, N. (2021). Covid-19 effect in Ecuador: Analysis of income tax collection 2019-2020 Resumen. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(6), 5-17.
Author Biographies

Kevin Eduardo Páez-Abad, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


I am Kevin Páez, a graduate student of the Accounting and Auditing Career at the Technical University of Machala, I have carried out research within my area of ​​influence, which has earned me academic recognition.

Dayana Micaela Cabrera-Pucha, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


I am Dayana Cabrera, student of the Accounting and Auditing Career at the Technical University of Machala, currently a graduate, pursuing studies to obtain my third level degree, throughout my university career I have developed research projects at an academic level, being deserving of recognition by teachers.

Néstor Daniel Gutiérrez-Jaramillo, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


I am Néstor Gutiérrez, I am currently a full-time Associate 1 full-time professor at the Technical University of Machala. In my professional career I have held senior administrative positions in the Internal Revenue Service. In the research field, I have developed several publications of scientific articles in renowned journals, which have served as scientific reference for future student generations.


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