Analysis of the tourism promotion of the natural and cultural areas of the Zaruma canton

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Ana Belén Córdova-Ortiz
Erika Janella Vera-Santos
Mauricio Samuel Noblecilla-Grunauer


Because of the scarce tourism promotion of Zaruma Canton in relation to its natural and cultural charm, many people are unaware of what hides the "Sultan of El Oro". Zaruma is a magical town that has many attributes that have given it over the years to be a City of National Tourist Interest, Cultural Heritage of Ecuador and Magical Town. That is why this research aims to promote the tourist areas of the Zaruma canton through tools that allow it to improve its competitiveness in the tourism market of the province of El Oro. A non-experimental methodology of a descriptive exploratory nature with a qualitative and quantitative approach was used. The people involved in the study were the community, tourists and tourism professionals. The results show that the lack of management by governmental institutions in relation to promotion and diffusion has caused the resources of the canton to be abandoned. In addition, the community is willing to help these attractions to have a greater scope in relation to promotion, also service providers in the community want to join to be part of the changes made by the municipal government to generate more income in relation to tourism.


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How to Cite
Córdova-Ortiz, A., Vera-Santos, E., & Noblecilla-Grunauer, M. (2021). Analysis of the tourism promotion of the natural and cultural areas of the Zaruma canton. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(6), 71-82.
Author Biographies

Ana Belén Córdova-Ortiz, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Student graduated from the technical University of Machala, El Ordo Ecuador in the career of Hotel Management and Tourism.

Likewise, she took a theoretical and practical course as: Aspirant cabin crew member and air traffic in the city of Guayaquil in the period 2015-2017

Erika Janella Vera-Santos, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Student graduated from the technical University of Machala, El Ordo Ecuador in the career of Hotel Management and Tourism.

 At the same time, I have certificates in A2 in English and computer courses. Course in service and customer service in relation to Travel Agencies. Training courses in Inclusive Risk Management with focus on people with disabilities. University teaching assistants.


Mauricio Samuel Noblecilla-Grunauer, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador



I am profesor of the Universidad Técnica de Machala, I am Doctor Administrative Sciences Phd., I have 13 years of experience like profesor and 6 years like leader of research projects. I have published 15 articles on tourism, marketing, education and administration. I have 3 international conferences, and I have been a reviewer for some magazines.


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