Essay on the importance of ethics in the work of the public accountant in times of pandemic

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Ericka Nelly Espinoza-Gamboa


The constant search by companies to increase their profits has resulted in business groups from different parts of the world looking for mechanisms of tax avoidance and evasion; In the case of Peru, ethical business conduct is to seek not to pay and if it is possible to pay as little as possible, the community's perception of the professional ethical conduct of accountants is doubtful, which is not necessarily real. But regardless of professional ethical behavior, there is a relationship between the knowledge generated by professional practice, which is the supply of scientific research, in this sense this research will study the ethical behavior of the Peruvian public accountant, in its investigator role. The proposed objective is: to determine the application of ethics in the scientific investigation of the Peruvian public accountant in times of pandemic. Ethics in our country is an issue that continues to cause controversy, affecting the accounting profession directly. The social image was damaged as such since external factors impacted on the ethical profile and its actions, which were quite weak and erroneous with which the professional activity is carried out. The methodology is based on the structure of the descriptive essay, supported by a review of the literature, related to the concepts guided to the application of ethical values, legal bases related to accounting issues that have an impact on business growth to continue on the path Of the investigation.


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How to Cite
Espinoza-Gamboa, E. (2021). Essay on the importance of ethics in the work of the public accountant in times of pandemic . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(6), 611-625.
Author Biography

Ericka Nelly Espinoza-Gamboa , Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal - UNFV" - Perú


Expert in computer software management, THESIS ADVISOR, SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES AND QUALITATIVE - QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH PROJECTS, Main speaker in the 1st. Latin American Research and Postgraduate Congress of international scope. Expert speaker and speaker on topics such as: Investment and Finance Projects in different universities and national and international educational institutions. Undergraduate professor at UNFV University, UTP University, UCV University, UPN University, UMA University, and UPN University among other educational institutions. Awarded as the best teacher for the year 2017 and 2019. Headquarters: Head of Credits and Risks at Caja Arequipa (CMAC), SUNAT, and Regional Governments in Peru


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