Medical audit as a control tool in hospital administration in Ecuador

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Francisco Pacheco
Anabel Quimuña
Johanna Velásquez


Medical audit has been developed in many countries today. The advance of technology and the processes have become increasingly complex so that using personalized techniques and tools have permitted to get new and different fields within the audit. Thus, these methods based on realized processes, help to control that they are carried out effectively for both the institution and the patient.
Health services must be on high quality so that by protocols, which analyze the procedures that are carried out, doctors will be allowed to know if they should maintain or improve within this area using a multidisciplinary equipment that will make an evaluationof resources, results and the relationship between doctors and patients.


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How to Cite
Pacheco, F., Quimuña, A., & Velásquez, J. (2016). Medical audit as a control tool in hospital administration in Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 1(2), 22-39. Retrieved from


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