Estrategias de agregación de valor para la elaboración y comercialización de productos: caso Productos Jon’s

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Jonathan Gabriel Loor-Moreira
Shirley Elizabeth Pizarro-Anchundia


The value chain is known as the range of activities that is required to carry a product or service from its conception, passed through the intermediate phases of production and delivery to consumers and its final disposal after its use, the line of The finished products of the company Productos Jon's are called: Jon's Schnapps Cocktails, Jon's Shot Cocktails and El Ceibo Whiskey, for the elaboration processes are used to which added value will be implemented, the objective of the investigation was to analyze the incidence of value-adding strategies in the production and commercialization, for this an explanatory-level investigation was carried out, with empirical design using methods such as the observation made to the production process, the interview with the company administrator and the market study, to determine the sample The statistical formula for finite populations was used, resulting in 384 potential customers, who were selected randomly in order to apply the instrument developed and thus identify the market segment, it was concluded that the value-adding strategies for production and marketing correspond to differentiation, innovation and marketing, these have a significant impact on positive in the production phases through quality control and supervision at the beginning of the production process phase and in the marketing phase of the products using the channels according to the results of the market study.


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How to Cite
Loor-Moreira, J., & Pizarro-Anchundia, S. (2021). Estrategias de agregación de valor para la elaboración y comercialización de productos: caso Productos Jon’s. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(5), 308-321.
Author Biographies

Jonathan Gabriel Loor-Moreira, Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador



Chemical Engineer, specialist in research and product innovation. Entrepreneur and expert in business differentiation.

Founder and CEO of the company Destilería Ceibo, Productos Jon’s and AguaLab_Ec.

Shirley Elizabeth Pizarro-Anchundia, Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador


Degree in Accounting and Auditing, Master in Research and Teaching, PhD at the University of Havana Cuba: Accounting, Auditing and Finance program. Professor at the Technical University of Manabí, Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences.


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