Labor guarantees in the ecuadoran legislation applicable to the sexual regularized workers

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Nino Jovanny Medina-Salinas


The prostitution, The sexual activity in the world is considered a few of the ancient professions of the humanity, an activity that is seen badly by the society and that has led that the women who are employed at this profession, it proves to them difficultly to achieve the effective use of his rights, being thought an object of regulation for the sake of the clients and not to the advantage of his rights.
The present article takes as a target to analyze the theoretical essentials - juridical that protect the sexual workers in the Ecuador and to corroborate if these postulates really are fulfilled, for which we have used an analytical approach, realizing a constructive juridical analysis, with a bibliographical - documentary form, since for his writing there were used physical and virtual books, laws, constitution, code of work, legal sources as articles of magazines and Internet; it was investigated in institutional repositories, the sources of juridical literature were checked systematically in the web, and in scientific magazines, to be able to analyze qualitatively the aspects on the labor guarantees of the Ecuadoran legislation applicable to the sexual regularized workers, taking in consideration the rights that are considered fundamental for his normal development of social, labor and individual life.
Finally, as result of this work of investigation, we have obtained that the Ecuadoran legislation has realized political of health and regulation of centers of tolerance, but none of the implemented political ones generates a promotion of his rights, worse they still encourage his recognition, have been implemented in exclusive use of the health and safety of the clients and not of the sexual workers.


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How to Cite
Medina-Salinas, N. (2021). Labor guarantees in the ecuadoran legislation applicable to the sexual regularized workers. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(4-1), 21-32.
Author Biography

Nino Jovanny Medina-Salinas, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


I studied my studies in the Technical University of Machala, in the Academic Unit of Social Sciences, obtaining the lawyer's title of the republic of the Ecuador in the year 2017, my desires of improvement and of acquiring knowledge it led me to registering in the Mastery of Constitutional Right of which I am gone away.


The knowledge acquired in this Mastery has allowed me to redeem me in a more effective and efficient way with my clients, since I am in the free exercise.


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