Evolution les paradis fiscaux in the world

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Gabriel Enríquez
Jenifer Alcívar
Joshelyn Loor


Paradis Fiscaux are places or territories that are characterized by little or no taxation enjoyed by people or entities, thus finding coverage and protection of their investments. As time has passed, their existence has evolved, to such an extent that around the world they are in seventy-one countries. These have their classification that differentiates them from others: countries with no taxes, countries without taxes on extraterritorial profits, areas with low taxation and countries with special contribution. It greatly affects poor and developing countries, since foreign investment is scarce and as a consequence, there is no way to cover the expenses generated by the country. The OECD is fighting internationally to stop these tax havens. In Ecuador, the very famous case is the Panama Papers, which are still being investigated.


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How to Cite
Enríquez, G., Alcívar, J., & Loor, J. (2017). Evolution les paradis fiscaux in the world. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 3(5), 41-50. Retrieved from https://593dp.com/index.php/593_Digital_Publisher/article/view/67


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