Barriers to the inclusion of students with special educational needs in ecuadorian higher education

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Leonor Margarita Mena-Chiluisa
Lidya Dolores Alulima


Inclusive education at a general level has progressed gradually in the last decade, different policies have been disseminated to protect children and adolescents, mainly so that they can access education. In Ecuador, regulations have been issued to promote inclusion in education, however, in the field of higher education there are different barriers that limit the entry, permanence and qualification of students with different characteristics and contexts.
UNESCO (2016) mentions that, for inclusive education, each child must be considered to have their particularities, characteristics and requirements to learn differently, and educational systems must take these characteristics into account and adapt according to their needs; aspects that in the field of Higher Education in Ecuador almost go unnoticed.
In the Regulation to the Organic Law of Higher Education (2010) it is mentioned that higher education is essential to achieve a dignified life, respecting interculturality, diversity and harmonious coexistence in the environment. being necessary that the HEIs implement pertinent mechanisms so that these students acquire competences that allow them to develop in daily life.
Being necessary to carry out a qualitative-quantitative study, with the participation of teachers from different HEIs, which allows verifying the situation of students with SEN in HEIs, considering the General Objective: Determine the barriers to inclusion faced by students with Special Educational Needs in Higher Education. The survey technique was used with the instrument the questionnaire in Google Forms for data collection. The results refer in the first instance the exclusion that students are subject, as well as the limited diffusion of inclusive policies generated in different Legal Regulations, which causes a learning process without differentiation, without curricular adaptations, being preponderant factors for them to abandon their studies. university studies.


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How to Cite
Mena-Chiluisa, L., & Alulima, L. (2021). Barriers to the inclusion of students with special educational needs in ecuadorian higher education. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(4-1), 33-40.
Author Biographies

Leonor Margarita Mena-Chiluisa, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador


Researcher at the Indoamérica University, generator of educational improvement projects.


Doctor in educational sciences, mention in Educational Research and Planning, Master in Educational Sciences, mention in Educational Planning and Administration and Bachelor of Science in Education specialization in Accounting.


Professor at the Indoamérica University, Cotopaxi Technical University, the Aeronautical Technological Institute, in different areas of knowledge, Rector of the Educational Unit "Ecuadorian Air Force No. 1" Quito.

Lidya Dolores Alulima, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador


Degree in Education Sciences mention Adult Education, Degree in Education Sciences mention Language and Communication, from the Equinoccial Technological University, Master in Education Sciences from the Equinoctial Technological University, Doctorate in Education (c) Research professor in various undergraduate disciplines and postgraduate thesis supervision at the Indoamérica Technological University.


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