All ABC campaign: a solution to the educational backwardness for young people and adults with unfinished schooling

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Tannia Mariela Changoluisa-Velasco
Eulalia Beatriz Becerra-García


Education is a right of people throughout their lives, which is why the Ministry of Education has implemented several study projects over the years, such as the EBJA Project (Educación Básica para Jóvenes y Adultos) and within this, the Campaign called "Todos ABC", which seeks to eradicate pure, functional and digital illiteracy, and support the processes of post-literacy (2do EGB a 7mo EGB) and continuing education for adults, and the overcoming of educational backwardness. The study on "La Campaña Todos ABC": a solution to educational backwardness for young people and adults with unfinished schooling aims to analyze the factors that led students to drop out of the classroom, and to motivate them to improve themselves through this type of program so that they can return to complete their studies, whether at the elementary or high school level. The methodological approach of the mixed research allowed to explore, describe, understand and interpret the information that was collected through the survey that was applied to the actors or stakeholders of Zone 3 located in the Province of Cotopaxi. The results obtained were positive, an integral formation is being achieved in the participants that complies with the educational axes of learning to learn (Cognitive), learning to do (Procedural), learning to be (Attitudinal); in relation to the conclusions it can be indicated that the students have overcome the adversities of geographical location, unemployment, economic instability and have enrolled in the Campaign and are on track to successfully complete their studies that they resumed after having abandoned it for several years.


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How to Cite
Changoluisa-Velasco, T., & Becerra-García, E. (2021). All ABC campaign: a solution to the educational backwardness for young people and adults with unfinished schooling. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(4), 139-148.
Author Biographies

Tannia Mariela Changoluisa-Velasco, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador sede Ambato


Academic level Computer and Information Systems Engineer, I have participated in several courses related to education, social inclusion, technological areas focused on education, among others. It is the first time that I have done a scientific research work, I am very pleased with what I have learned from this research.


Eulalia Beatriz Becerra-García, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador


Academic level Master in Higher Education and Curriculum, Doctor in Educational Management, Bachelor of English and Chemistry, Basic Education Teacher.

Teaching experience at the Indoamérica Technological University, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Ambato Headquarters, Technical University of Ambato

Director and thesis reader at the Indoamérica University and the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Ambato Headquarters.

Publications of several articles and speaker at some universities.

Currently director of the research team at the Indoamérica University.


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