The ocupational risk management systems

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Carmen Villacís
Alexander Loaiza
Carlos Andrade


The objective of this document is to make a brief analysis of the main factors that intervene in Occupational Risk Management, the implementation and execution of a Work Risk Management System, will allow to identify themselves as quality companies, that challenges will be imposed every time higher to ensure success, requiring a permanent change and always innovating to adapt to the future.

The concept of Occupational Risk Management Systems is used in every type of organization or company and without realizing it, in the same way in everyday life, for being the most appropriate and effective instruments in reducing social and economic costs derived from Occupational accidents and occupational diseases, which could trigger possible problems.

The Occupational Risk Management systems are methods that are oriented and thought about the physical health, the emotional and intellectual well-being of the workers to reach a certain goal, which is the productivity, to get to have a Management System of Occupational Hazards in optimal conditions it is necessary to have the firm commitment of senior management, continuous and permanent monitoring of the middle managers and a decided and firm incorporation of workers to the system, this will reduce accidents and absenteeism will manage to increase productivity in organizations.

In our country Ecuador during the last years there have been many changes in favor of occupational health legislation, and in a large number of companies have been implemented occupational health and safety management systems, these systems are designed to share the knowledge acquired about occupational health, this knowledge will allow them to have a safe job and to be able to enjoy pleasant environments and adequated jobs.

The prevention of occupational risks is not only in charge of senior management, on the contrary it is a process in which all persons who directly and indirectly work in the company must be involved, it is necessary and fundamental to anticipate the secondary effects that can cause a process to be carried out within the company for the production of a product, this prevention system will allow senior management to make decisions and they will also have to prepare manuals in which all the rules and regulations that govern the company.

It is a duty and a right acquired by all workers that organizations guarantee all equally receive theoretical and practical training in the field of prevention, which must contain a complete and capable, in such a way that the im-matches knowledge are adequate enough for each worker to be able to work and perform in complete normality, we must also bear in mind that any training should be monitored for the subsequent verification, in such a way guarantee each worker to be at the forefront both in knowledge and in matters of occupational health and safety.


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How to Cite
Villacís, C., Loaiza, A., & Andrade, C. (2017). The ocupational risk management systems. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 3(5), 4-15. Retrieved from


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