El Transformational leadership and its influence on the business teams of the financial sector of the Portoviejo canton

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Elisa Zambrano-Zambrano


The research study was intended to determine the influence of transformational leadership on business teams in the financial sector of the canton of Portoviejo. He had a qualitative and quantitative approach, non-experimental design. The sample consisted of 10 managers from the Financial Sector Institutions. The survey technique and instrument were used in the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire) which was validated by 10 experts via the Likert scale, whose reliability was made by the Cronbach Alpha coefficient, to verify the validity of all questionnaire questions belonging to each leadership style, obtaining (Alpha> 0.88) For the effect theoretical foundations were taken about Gerstner Leadership (1996), Cubillo (1997), Senge (2001), Bolivar (1997), Bass and Avolio (2000) among others.
The research allowed to determine the existence of leadership in the gerent of the financial system of the canton Portoviejo, obtaining the following results that the transformational style prevails by 90% and with a higher percentage in the female gender among the respondents while the transactional one obtained 40% and Laissez 30%, which demonstrated the very close relationship that exists between leadership and culture of high commitment where all the members of the team are focused on achieving extraordinary things , achieving in a very firm and subtle way that the subordinate constantly questions what more they can do for the organization.


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How to Cite
Alvarado-Macias, M., & Zambrano-Zambrano, E. (2021). El Transformational leadership and its influence on the business teams of the financial sector of the Portoviejo canton. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(3), 423-441. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2021.3.632
Author Biographies

MARIA ALVARADO, a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:10:"1308245651";}


Master's Student in Business Administration / Graduate Institute / Technical University of Manabí, Ecuador, Banking and Business Engineering, Portoviejo, Ecuador. 

Elisa Zambrano-Zambrano, Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador



Doctor in Acounting and Financial Sciences, Universidad de la Habana de Cuba, Master in Accounting and Auditing, Professor of the Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences – Technical University of Manabi, Portoviejo, Ecuador. 


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