Brief history about Adult Education in Ecuador: annotations for a genealogy

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Luis Rodolfo López-Morocho


In this work, the origin of adult education in Ecuador is sought, considering its conditions of possibility, both historical and conceptual. In this way, a historical overview of the main adult education initiatives is carried out since their appearance in the 1940s through literacy campaigns, programs and projects that promoted adult education marked by diverse political and economic contexts. Influenced by international visions of education that have led to so-called intensive or accelerated offers that allow the completion of adult studies in short times. Together with this, laws and curricula have appeared that govern this type of education and allow us to appreciate the approaches and intentions of these initiatives.


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How to Cite
López-Morocho, L. R. (2021). Brief history about Adult Education in Ecuador: annotations for a genealogy. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(4), 88-101.
Author Biography

Luis Rodolfo López-Morocho, Fe y Alegría


Research Master's Degree in Philosophy and Social Thought from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO). Graduated in Philosophy and Pedagogy from the Salesian Polytechnic University (UPS). National Coordinator of the IBM P-TECH Project. National Coordinator of Baccalaureate in Fe y Alegría. Member of Sophia's International Board of Reviewers. Editor of the Saberes Andantes Magazine. External Reviewer magazine 593 Editorial Digital CEIT. More than twenty related publications in education.


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