Puerto seco comercial: growth and business development in border areas

Main Article Content

Edison Oswaldo Toapanta-Mendoza
Dany Alexander González-Aguilera


Commercial areas or commercial dry port, to allow organize and distribution of mass consumption products and integrate economic activities to strengthen the internal logistics of a city. This work analyzes the viability of the creation of a commercial port in the Loja city, and the impact that it would generate on the demand for products and services and the economic and social development. Through the application of a survey, we realize a market analysis and viability study of the creation the commercial port. In this work we evaluated the relevance of the commercial port and the effect on the transport flows and accessibility of the products in the city. The results demonstrated the viability of the creation the commercial port in economic, logistics and social factors.


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How to Cite
Toapanta-Mendoza, E., & González-Aguilera, D. (2021). Puerto seco comercial: growth and business development in border areas. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(5), 40-54. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2021.5.611
Author Biographies

Edison Oswaldo Toapanta-Mendoza, Universidad Nacional de Loja - Ecuador


Engineer in Business Administration, Master in Business Administration, 28 years of experience in the public and private sector in Management, Administrative and Marketing Management, with experience in the development of investment projects, social projects, entrepreneurship and innovation in commercial areas and generation of new businesses, he is currently developing the chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Business Administration Career at the National University of Loja, Businessman, Entrepreneur, Photographer, Adventurer.

Dany Alexander González-Aguilera, Universidad Nacional de Loja - Ecuador


Engineer in Business Administration with a master's degree in Business Administration, I have 18 years of work experience in the administrative sector, public financier with experience in university teaching.


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