CONTRATOS POR LA DIFERENCIA (CFD’S) Como Opción De Inversión: definición, cualidades y riesgos
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The majority of people, when dealing with investment, always think of the simple programmed savings offered by the bank and settling for a margin of profit far below what the stock market could offer us.
But the little financial culture in people has led to think that wanting to invest in the stock market are the mind can do packaging tools such as actions that have a high amount of initial investment, without realizing that there are also underlying - Financial financiers that replicate the movement of an action as in this case we will talk about CFDs, with the advantage of having the financial leverage system that allows a very low percentage to move large amounts of shares having greater benefits.
There is a popular saying that tells us that if a person wants to be rich he should not learn alone to save for a future but to invest to have a better future.
The CFD’s Contract for Difference means Contracts for the Difference, these contracts are generated between a Broker owner of the shares to be traded and an investor, the Broker purchases CFD’s, in the name of the investor and puts them to negotiate in the stock exchange replicating the movement of the stock chosen by the investor thus generating profits depending on their orientation, either upward or downward.
But not everything is always profit, remember that the greater the investment, the greater the risk to lose, which means that even if we have tracking limits or commonly called Stop Lost, there may be the possibility of earning a lot or losing all of this. -It will depend on the degree of experience you have when making a negotiation replicating the movement of an action.
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