Analysis of the legal and juridical regulations of the comprehensive management model of higher education institutions for the strengthening of pedagogical quality

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Roberto Fabián Sánchez-Chávez
Jenny Lilián Basantes-Avalos
María Auxiliadora Falconí-Tello
Yadira Elizabeth Vallejo-Lucio


This study has the objective of knowing the benefits generated by the implementation of the plan for a lifetime within the educational system within higher education. In the middle of the investigation, the teaching level of the teachers was studied in order to improve the study techniques, orienting them more to this new technique. The research method used was descriptive, exploratory and non-experimental, through a field study through the application of properly structured surveys to university teachers. The results reveal that this application will bring improvements not only at the general level but also at the integral level of the students, allowing them to develop in a healthy environment in which their decisions and opinions about resolutions that exist in the university are respected.


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How to Cite
Sánchez-Chávez, R., Basantes-Avalos, J., Falconí-Tello, M., & Vallejo-Lucio, Y. (2021). Analysis of the legal and juridical regulations of the comprehensive management model of higher education institutions for the strengthening of pedagogical quality. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(2-2), 98-110.
Author Biographies

Roberto Fabián Sánchez-Chávez, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH) - Ecuador


During my professional life I must indicate that I started as a practitioner, expert, judicial assistant, secretary of the Judicial Function, notary public registrar, Legal Analyst of the Undersecretary of Water, Professor of Espoch and Lawyer in free exercise, my academic training and experience that I have obtained from the institutions where I have been rendering my professional services have allowed me to acquire solid skills based on theory to practice, which is why it is my aspiration to be part of this prestigious scientific journal to develop my ideas, skills and experiences , giving my best to obtain the best results. In this way contribute scientifically to the academy.

Jenny Lilián Basantes-Avalos, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH) - Ecuador


Engineer in Business Administration, Master in University Teaching and Educational Research, Master in Business Management, mention in Projects. Doctor of Administration Sciences. Professor Faculty of Business Administration

María Auxiliadora Falconí-Tello, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH) - Ecuador


CPA Accounting and Auditing Engineer, Master in Small and Medium-sized Businesses, mention in Finance, Professor, School of Business Administration - ESPOCH

Yadira Elizabeth Vallejo-Lucio, Consejo de Judicatura - Ecuador


Professional Accounting and Auditing Engineer C.P.A. with postgraduate study in a master's degree in Comprehensive Auditing, 2 years of experience in the position of accounting assistant of the Center for Development and Diffusion and Social Research Cedis Ong, 3 years of accounting assistant secretary of the Complementary Pension Fund Closed De los Docentes de la Espoch ; 3 years of experience as an accountant, cost adjuster and liquidator of the Council of the Judiciary, my academic training and the experience that I have obtained from the institutions where I have provided my professional services have allowed me to acquire solid skills based from theory to theory. Practice.


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