Evaluación del estado del ecosistema ribereño en Punta Lara: propuesta de recuperación de los espacios naturales

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María García
Noelia Gómez
Patricia Gantes
Sandra Demichelis


The coastal ecosystems of the Río de la Plata are in a situation of increasing vulnerability. The advance of urbanization over natural spaces and the lack of adequate management have led to the loss of native species, the invasion of exotic species, the modification of spatial succession and the reduction, fragmentation and / or disappearance of these ecosystems and therefore to the loss of the services that they can provide. In this paper, the state of the natural spaces on the Punta Lara shore was characterized and evaluated. A temporary evolution evaluation of the natural riverside spaces was droven, including a description of the plant communities, the characterization of its ecological quality and surveys of the local population to know their perception and interests about the riparian space. Based on our results, a Management Proposal is presents in order to recover and preserve the riparian ecosystem.


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García, M., Gómez, N., Gantes, P., & Demichelis, S. (2018). Evaluación del estado del ecosistema ribereño en Punta Lara: propuesta de recuperación de los espacios naturales. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 3(4), 41-48. Retrieved from https://593dp.com/index.php/593_Digital_Publisher/article/view/59


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