Analysis of ecuadorian regulations related to homoparental adoption based on advisory opinion OC24 / 17

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Mishell Ortega-Rocero


This work analyzes the existing viability in the country regarding homoparental adoption, taking into consideration what was mentioned by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in its advisory opinion OC24 / 17. For this purpose, the principle of non-discrimination was analyzed within the internal and international regulations that are in force within the Ecuadorian territory. The principle of non-discrimination established in the Constitution of the Republic, mentions that all people are equal and therefore will enjoy the same duties, obligations, rights and that they will not suffer any type of discrimination, a situation that allows people to enjoy of their right to the free development of their personality, being able to form a homoparental family. The family is legally protected by the internal and external legal framework, this has a broad definition, which not only protects a traditional or specific model of it, but on the contrary, the family is recognized in its various types, preventing discrimination same-sex couples, since human rights treaties are of evolutionary interpretation. The advisory opinion under study in this essay recognizes the right to equality and non-discrimination, in such a way that it protects the family bond and guarantees the right to marriage between people of the same sex and, therefore, to adoption. This opinion is binding on our country, thus allowing adoption between same-sex couples, since discrimination by law is prohibited. The measure also does not present a risk regarding the upbringing of children either, since there is ample scientific evidence that they perform just as well as those raised by parents of different sexes.


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How to Cite
Ortega-Rocero, M. (2021). Analysis of ecuadorian regulations related to homoparental adoption based on advisory opinion OC24 / 17. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(4-1), 5-20.
Author Biography

Mishell Ortega-Rocero, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador


Graduated from the Law Degree at the Indoamérica Technological University, Ecuador. Throughout my university career, I obtained the necessary knowledge to carry out this research and I chose to do so from people discriminated against for reasons of sex whose rights are being violated, because the corresponding regulations are not applied and because Ecuador still has conservative features within its culture.


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