La The tax culture and its impact on tax collection. Case Machala, provincia El Oro, period 2015 - 2019

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María José Macas-Iñaguazo
Andrea del Cisne Vega-Granda
Jorge Guido Sotomayor-Pereira


Tax Culture plays an important role in the collection of tax payments, because it allows guiding and fulfilling its obligations in an orderly, clear and voluntary manner. The objective of this study is to determine the economic activities that generate greater economic activity and higher tax generation in the city of Machala, Province of El Oro. The research presents a comparative descriptive approach, and the data collection was obtained from historical reports of the Service Internal Revenue. The main results were based on four parameters: first; analysis of income from tax collection concepts, second; analysis of the main taxes that generate the greatest contribution, third: classification of the main cities with the highest collection at the provincial level and fourth: analysis of the economic activities that generate the greatest contribution in the city of Machala. It is concluded that the income tax with 54.85% and the value added tax (VAT) with 30.07% are those taxes with the highest total collection in the city of Machala, in addition, its main economic activities are in Agriculture, forestry and fishing; Trade; Construction and Manufacturing, ranking the canton in first place as the largest collector in the province of El Oro.


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How to Cite
Macas-Iñaguazo, M., Vega-Granda, A., & Sotomayor-Pereira, J. (2021). La The tax culture and its impact on tax collection. Case Machala, provincia El Oro, period 2015 - 2019. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(3), 298-307.
Author Biographies

María José Macas-Iñaguazo, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Born in the city of Machala, El Oro province, Ecuador.


Graduated from the Economics career with a Mention in Business Management from the Technical University of Machala.

Andrea del Cisne Vega-Granda, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Born in the city of Machala, El Oro province, Ecuador.

Economist with a major in Business Management from the Technical University of Machala.

Tax Specialist from the Technical University of Machala.

Master in Finance and Business Economics from the Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil.

Planning Technique, Planning Secretariat of the Provincial Government of El Oro, 2013 - 2014.

Professor at the Technical University of Machala.

Jorge Guido Sotomayor-Pereira, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Economist, Master in Business Administration and Management. Doctor in Economic Analysis and Business Strategy. Professor at the Technical University of Machala, teacher of the chairs "Macroeconomics", "Consumer Behavior", "Socioeconomic Reality". Business consultant


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