Dissemination of public information of the Decentralized Autonomous Rural Parish Governments of Quito canton, Pichincha province, in a digital era
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In a digital age, the modernization of the State is a challenge that must be carried out in an imperative way; without these advances, the effective exercise of fundamental rights such as access to public information, citizen participation and social control, will continue to be a utopia; the research provides a descriptive analytical analysis of compliance with the mandatory (minimum) requirements established by the regulations regarding the dissemination of public information on the web pages of each of the Autonomous Decentralized Parish Governments of Quito canton, Pichincha province, based on the study of article 7 Organic Law of Transparency and Access to Public Information (OLTAPI) as well as the Constitution of Ecuador, which allows supporting the data collected in the investigation.
The data evidenced by the analysis presents a critical panorama, considering that eighty-five percent of the governments in the study do not keep their population informed of the management they carry out, thus concluding that the lack of transparency continues to be a problem that technology does not supply.
This research makes constitutional and legal emphasis and the critical implementation of access to public information in the management carried out by the decentralized autonomous governments of rural parishes in Quito canton, Pichincha province, as part of the “Project implementation of strategies for transparency and anti-corruption in Pichincha Province GAD; Quito GAD and its rural parish GADs 2020–2021” carried out with the participation of the students of the Sixth Semester of Law, face-to-face and blended modalities.
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