La gestión en la cadena de suministros

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Daniel Garibaldi


As a consequence of the increase in customs controls implemented in the main international markets since September 11, 2001, the World Customs Organization has adopted the Framework of Standards to secure and Facilitate Trade (SAFE), through which the figure of the Authorized Economic Operator is established.
In this way, the standardization of security procedures is favored with the purpose of harmonizing the procedures of merchandise control and trade facilitation within the framework of the principles of mutual recognition.
In this sense, procedures are articulated between the Customs and the private sector with the objective that this assumes commitments around ensuring the security of the merchandise to be export and obtain as a counterpart, benefits in the reduction of time and operating costs, in the logistic chain.


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How to Cite
Garibaldi, D. (2018). La gestión en la cadena de suministros. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 3(4), 4-14. Retrieved from


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