Interactive workshops, a tool for values education at the "Leonardo R. Aulestia" elementary school

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Yadira Alexandra De la Torre-Quiñónez
Ruth Alexandra Duarte-Salavarria


This research work is important because the authors focus their purpose on improving the integral education of the children of the Leonardo R. Aulestia School, within this process not only the cognitive part should be promoted, but also the ethics and specifically training in values, because they are the foundation of every society.
The fundamental objective of the scientific article is to provide a methodological guide for education in values in the students of the Institution through interactive workshops to achieve harmonious coexistence and a culture of peace, an education based on virtues, allows us to raise awareness about the consequences of our actions, also ensures harmony between members, these precepts will be transmitted with the use of interactive tools. The work is based on qualitative research, highlights historical-logical methods, analysis-synthesis, deduction and induction, observation, measurement and experimentation; These instruments established a contribution in the scientific methodological field, which allowed the researchers to appropriate innovative strategies aimed at the well-being of the student population, and in the different definitions on the teaching - learning of ethical values.
Through this work, the importance of the practice of values in students will be established with the application of interactive workshops, which will reduce the observed violence, education in values is one of the transversal axes of an interdisciplinary nature established in the curriculum.


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How to Cite
De La Torre-Quiñonez, Y., & Duarte-Salavarria, R. (2021). Interactive workshops, a tool for values education at the "Leonardo R. Aulestia" elementary school. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(4), 73-87.
Author Biographies

Yadira Alexandra De la Torre-Quiñónez, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


I was born on July 2, 1977, I have 15 years of experience as a teacher in various private and fiscal Institutions, in 2009 I began to work for the Ministry of Education I work in a fiscal Institution currently Leonardo R. Aulestia School where I had functions of teacher and manager from 2017 to 2021.

Concerned about the lack of values ​​in the educational community, in 2016, I carried out the Sumak kawsay project for the completion of the Bachelor of Education.

In 2021 I completed the Master of Educational Management "With the article entitled Interactive Workshops: A Tool to Educate in Values ​​at the Leonardo R. Aulestia Basic Education School"

Ruth Alexandra Duarte-Salavarria, Universidad Espíritu Santo - Ecuador


I was born in Guayaquil, on April 26, 1969, I have 12 years of teaching experience; I have worked in the schools "Bal 74 Huancavilca", "Maria Teresa Solá de Estrada", "Zoila Rosa Garcia Montenegro", "José Durán Maristany", I am a teacher by vocation, carried out social activities for the welfare of youth, by virtue of From this strength, I did my master's degree on values, as a tool to develop skills and attitudes in human beings from the research field, my greatest inspiration was Doctor Yeimer Prieto Lopez, research professor at the Espíritu Santo University, an institution where I did my postgraduate degree.


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