La Reforma Universitaria de 1918: hito fundamental en la historia de la Universidad Argentina y Latinoamericana

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Fernando Avendaño


This article aims at analyzing the origins, reach and repercussions of Argentina’s University Reform, which took place in 1918, a hundred years away of its birth.
We examine the social and ideological roots of the reform movement, where the elitist character of the University at the time was questioned by the emerging middle classes; we place the movement in its context and then we consider its latinoamerican projection as an answer to the situation of the universities of the region.


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How to Cite
Avendaño, F. (2018). La Reforma Universitaria de 1918: hito fundamental en la historia de la Universidad Argentina y Latinoamericana. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 3(3), 20-37. Retrieved from


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