Critical analysis of the environmental problem as a challenge to the ecuadorian curriculo

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Nancy de Lourdes Barrionuevo-Coba
Carmen Siavil Varguillas-Carmona


Attention to environmental issues by the education system in Ecuador has been lacking, if not null, on the contrary, this problem has been ignored to such an extent that modern societies are losing that human attitude of coexistence with their natural surroundings, characterized by the enlightment as rationality. At this juncture we educational people should begin to analyze the currículo of EGB and BGU in the area of Natural Sciences, where this issue should be taken into further account in order to give it the importance it increasingly deserves. Raising awareness and empathy in students towards the environment and its destruction is thus an urgent task. So much so that our suggestion is to promote guidance that encourages reflection in the education community on the environmental damage and its very negative consequences for mankind and earth itself as a complementary topic in the natural sciences´ field of Ecuadorian currículo. The methodology of this work is framed in the theoretical method since it deals with information researched, collected and verified worldwide, especially from Europe and the United States, places where they have reflected on and followed this environmental problem the furthest .As a result of all the information compiled, it has been observed that due to the excessive consumerism of modern societies tons of garbage in the billions are being generated, causing unprecedented pollution against the environment, with this it can be concluded that Ecuador´s public administrations should focus specifically on an education more centered on caring for the environment in order to protect and preserve the future of our new generations


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How to Cite
Barrionuevo-Coba, N., & Varguillas-Carmona, C. (2021). Critical analysis of the environmental problem as a challenge to the ecuadorian curriculo. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(4), 5-19.
Author Biographies

Nancy de Lourdes Barrionuevo-Coba, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo - Ecuador


Pedagogue and technician in Early

Childhood Education In the process

obtaining a Master's degree in Innovation

in Education.

Teaching experience 15 years in Higher Education 5 years.

Carmen Siavil Varguillas-Carmona, Universidad Nacional del Chimborazo - Ecuador


PhD. In education. Master in Curricular Development. Master in Educational Management. University teaching. Teaching experience of 30 years in Higher Education. Professor at the National University of Chimborazo.


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