Limitations on ownership in the public interest
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The development of this work is based on the analysis between what is a thing and a good from the perspective of the State. Consequently, the implications that exist around the public domain will develop. In this sense, it is concluded that there are State assets that have a special legal regime.
The State for reasons of public interest will always have mechanisms for the protection of its assets. But what happens with the property of private persons, it will be necessary to determine how these protection mechanisms are executed, since their property belongs to another regime, to the private domain.
In this sense, the author questions whether the right to private property is absolute, if the fact that a person owns a good implies that no one will be able to affect their property. To do this, through the deductive method, in the first instance the nature of goods and things will be analyzed, to land on the study of the characteristics of public and private domain goods, questioning certain relationships that exist between them, determining how As a result, ownership over them is not always absolute.
In addition, the differentiation between public domain and private domain will be analyzed in order for our study to be able to determine whether in general the right to property has limits, or whether it is enough to show the spirit and title of owner so that the owner of a good, enjoy it without any limitation.
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