Cuestiones curriculares de la enseñanza de las Matemáticas en América Latina: un estudio comparativo entre Brasil-Argentina, Brasil-Chile y Brasil-Paraguay

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Sérgio Dos Santos
Nilson De Matos


To debate on the Constitution of the identity of undergraduate courses in mathematics, considering the curricular part, as well as the aspects related to the formation of the future teacher of mathematics, Have been widely discussed in the academia, not only in Brazil, but throughout Latin America in view of its importance in the processes that involve the training of teachers, of which lack of studies oriented to Higher Education, especially as for formation process. The reflections on the curricula during formation for the mathematics education, objective to identify resemblances and differences between prescribed curricula and identifying the main influences of the investigations in Mathematical Education in the proposals formulation curriculares in some countries of Latin America, from a comparative study between Brazil - Argentina, Brazil - Chile and Brazil - Paraguay.


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Dos Santos, S., & De Matos, N. (2018). Cuestiones curriculares de la enseñanza de las Matemáticas en América Latina: un estudio comparativo entre Brasil-Argentina, Brasil-Chile y Brasil-Paraguay. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 3(2), 29-37. Retrieved from


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