Alfabetização e letramento: desafios e possibilidades à ação docente na educação de jovens e adultos Hacia una teoría de la educación escolar

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Sandra Nascimento


In the present article the results are approached obtained in a field research about the theme literacy in EJA, with the objective of analyzing the pedagogic practices of literacy in the perspective of the developed instruction by teachers of the 1st and 2nd Stages of the Fundamental Teaching in the modality of the Education of Youths and Adults. For so much, a qualitative approach of research was accomplished through a case study in a school of the rural way in the municipal district of Augusto Corrêa-PA, whose collection of data happened through the bibliographical research, interviews semiestruturadas, direct observations and documental analysis. It was looked for to discover the pedagogic practices of readings and writings excelled for the letter mento and if the teachers valued the dialogue, you know them and you live of the students in that process.


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How to Cite
Nascimento, S. (2018). Alfabetização e letramento: desafios e possibilidades à ação docente na educação de jovens e adultos: Hacia una teoría de la educación escolar. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 3(2), 13-19. Retrieved from


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