Transformational Leadership in Educational Management in the Republic of France Educational Unit of Guayaquil

Main Article Content

Carlos Xavier Cavagnaro-Murillo
Cecilia Elizabeth Carvajal-Zambrano


The challenges and changes facing today's educational context make leadership a priority for institutions and educators. Most schools in Latin America have established the role of managers essentially as administrative and management and do not promote pedagogical leadership.

This research work aims to analyze the influence of transformational leadership on the educational management of the Fiscal Educational Unit Republic of France of the urban area of the city of Guayaquil in 2020. The main objective is to propose a transformational leadership strategy that provides change in educational management and vision for the future to the institution. The research will have a non-experimental and exploratory design under a mixed approach. The theoretical methods applied are theoretical systematization and logical history; and as an empirical method of measurement. The population and sample will consist of the manager and the 50 teachers attached for the 2020-2021 school year, as a census sample of the population of the Educational Unit under study. For the collection of variable data, the virtual interview technique will be applied, with a script of open questions for the manager and the survey with a digital questionnaire for teachers, with the likert scale. The statistical processing to be used will be through the Excel matrix generated by the Google Forms tool. The results will be analyzed at the descriptive-explanatory level with a mixed, qualitative and quantitative approach to the variables under study. The results will make it possible to systematize the conclusions, recommendations and proposal. With the input of this article, educational institutions will have a benchmark to promote changes towards transformational leadership in educational management in order to improve educational quality.


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Article Details

How to Cite
Cavagnaro, C., & Carvajal, C. (2020). Transformational Leadership in Educational Management in the Republic of France Educational Unit of Guayaquil. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(1), 132-149.
Author Biographies

Carlos Xavier Cavagnaro-Murillo, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador

  • cavagnaro.jpg
  • University   "Politécnica Salesiana" Sede Guayaquil - Chief Financial Officer
  • Private Educational Unit "PanAmerican Lyceum"   Teacher
  • Tax Education Unit "Republic of France" - Teacher
  • Inter-American"   Educational Unit.
  • Years of experience 31 years

Cecilia Elizabeth Carvajal-Zambrano, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


  • Educational Unit "Our Mother of Mercy" Librarian - Teaching Assistant
  • "Inter-American" Educational Unit – Inspector.
  • Technological University "Ecotec.
  • Library Director


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