Social-emotional leadership aimed at improving the organizational climate in the educational unit José Alfredo Llerena

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Yesenia Ingi Garzón-Vera
Eva Jesús Palma-Santillán


Managing an institution involves various functions such as directing educators and educators, having effective communication with parents, for this it is essential to possess emotional and professional capacities. Managers should know how to preside over members of an organization, persuade with intelligence and wisdom, that is, they must have good leadership that brings all members to a pleasant organizational climate.

Scientific methods and logical history will be used as they will allow a study with the objectivity that the case requires, it is also emphasized that through methodological techniques and instruments the authors managed to realize the working environment that is presented between the teachers and the authority of the institution.

This article aims to design an action plan to vivify socio-emotional leadership because the leader must strengthen the bonds of friendship and struggle for work. In conclusion, it is intended that managers implement in their action a socio-emotional leadership that brings them to improve the organizational climate of the institutions, providing excellent contexts to the members of their organization and therefore bringing about changes in education.


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How to Cite
Garzón, Y., & Palma, E. (2020). Social-emotional leadership aimed at improving the organizational climate in the educational unit José Alfredo Llerena. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(1), 121-131.
Author Biographies

Yesenia Ingi Garzón-Vera, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


Primary school teacher

Bachelor of Basic General Education20 years of teaching

Eva Jesús Palma-Santillán, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador

Degree in Social Communication


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