Determine the need for training in the use of information and communication technologies for teacher training

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Génesis Carolina Pinto-Sudario
Joamelly Narcisa Plaza-Andrade


This work aims to determine the need for training in the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), by which teachers, when they are in the technological boom that currently governs, has become a main tool that is necessary for personal and professional use. Likewise, the management of virtual environments that are used in teaching work, in addition the need to use learning platforms provided to teachers to improve academic work has been perceived, the empowerment that the teacher demonstrates towards these also adds to this need technology and facilitate active learning in teachers for their professional training, developing pedagogical and technical skills. Theoretical systematization methods were used and the empirical method that was developed through surveys and interviews with teachers of the Tungurahua Province Fiscal Educational Unit, at the same time the criteria of experts were applied for data collection. This research contributes to the development of a training plan for teachers in the educational institution where the need for the use of ICT has been determined.


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How to Cite
Pinto, G., & Plaza, J. (2020). Determine the need for training in the use of information and communication technologies for teacher training. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(1), 169-181.
Author Biographies

Génesis Carolina Pinto-Sudario, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


Bachelor of Science in Education with a mention in Computer Science, mathematics and Computer Science teacher, currently a professor at the City of Tiwintza Fiscal Educational Unit. The publication of this research is of great interest to managers and teachers who wish to apply ICT training within their Institution.

Joamelly Narcisa Plaza-Andrade, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


Bachelor of Science in Education. Higher Diploma in Curricular Design by Competence, 4th academic level, Teacher of Computer Science, Mathematics and Academic Vice-Rector of the Fiscal Education Unit of the Province of Tungurahua. It is in my interest to research about Tics, but it is the first time that I choose to publish.


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