Educational Innovation as a pedagogical tool in the teaching-learning process in pandemic times of the José Jesús Ocampo Salazar Fiscal Educational Unit

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María Fernanda Neira-González
Erwin Estuardo Pulgarín-Morán


This research arises due to the need to innovate education during the Covid-19 pandemic, which has affected a large part of the world population in socioeconomic, health and education aspects, so measures were rethought in the face of the health crisis, especially for the preservation of the health of the educational community and in addition to implementing pedagogical tools to apply them synchronously and asynchronously, facilitating the teaching-learning process. For this reason, the objective of this article is elaborate a pedagogic strategy to theorically fundament the influence of educational innovation as a pedagogical resource in the teaching-learning process in times of pandemic in the José Jesús Ocampo Salazar Fiscal Education Unit. Will be used the mixed research approach in the development of our work, in order to collect data and have quantitative and qualitative instruments available. In conclusion, these theoretical foundations can be applied by the teaching staff of this and all educational institutions that require innovation in education, with the respective methodological modifications for the classes and the development of activities in a synchronous and asynchronous way that allow the process to be more effective of teaching and learning of all socioeconomic strata and cognitive levels.


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How to Cite
Neira, M., & Pulgarín, E. (2020). Educational Innovation as a pedagogical tool in the teaching-learning process in pandemic times of the José Jesús Ocampo Salazar Fiscal Educational Unit. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(1), 96-120.
Author Biographies

María Fernanda Neira-González, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


  • Commercial Engineer.
  • Teacher of Ballet, History of Dance, Corporal Expression, Scenic Development and Choreographer for 15 years.
  • Teacher of Entrepreneurship and Language and Literature at the Fiscal Educational Unit José Jesús Ocampo Salazar for 3 years.
  • Coordinator of Degree Projects.

Currently completing a master's degree in Education Management at the Espíritu Santo University.

Erwin Estuardo Pulgarín-Morán, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


  • High school Teacher
  • Bachelor of Science in Education specialization in Psychopedagogy.
  • Professional in Psychopedagogy.
  • International examiner of the Diploma Program of the International Baccalaureate of the subject of Environmental Systems and Societies.
  • Experience in teaching with 23 years.
  • Professor of Biology at the Polytechnic Private School COPOL

Currently completing a master's degree in Education Management at the Espíritu Santo University.


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