Executive Management and Organizational Climate: Motivational tools in teaching practice

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Jenny Verónica Bohórquez-Onofre
María Fidelina Andrade-Pinargote


The research attempts to argue that a relevant, assertive and motivational practice of management promotes an organizational climate that favors the integral development of students and with them the educational quality. The teacher is recognized as the first responsible for these achievements who must feel motivation to perform better each day, being essential the assertive action of the manager who must promote a positive organizational climate. In this sense, it is established as a general objective to contribute to the strengthening of management through a system motivational strategy that led to the development of a climate positive organizational among the actors of the educational community The Simón Bolívar Mixed Fiscal School of the city of Guayaquil. The study applied methods such as the Historical-Logic, the Structural-Functional Systemic, and the Mixed that allowed through quantitative surveys applied to 15 teachers on the campus which contained twenty items related to management and organizational climate. Among the main results it was determined that between 80% and 87% of teachers say that a favorable organizational climate improves the personal, professional and labor relations of the members of the educational community, for which there must be an induction plan, The Institutional Educational Project must be built on a participatory basis and there must be a function manual and communication plan. Where it is concluded that the importance of management in the quality of teaching practice could be established, this has a positive or negative influence on the motivation of teachers and thus on the promotion of an effective organizational climate for pedagogical practice.


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How to Cite
Bohorquez, J., & Andrade, M. (2020). Executive Management and Organizational Climate: Motivational tools in teaching practice. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(1), 85-95. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2021.1.420
Author Biographies

Jenny Verónica Bohórquez-Onofre, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


Bachelor of Science in Education. Kindergarten Educator. Teacher of the Simón Bolívar mixed fiscal school. I have worked in private institutions such as the Eagles of Christ educational unit, the Garden of Personitas del Tomorrow, THE NOVUS educational center, I have also worked in fiscal institutions Rita Lecumberri, General Pintag, Christopher Columbus.

María Fidelina Andrade-Pinargote, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


Bachelor in Education Sciences. Mention Primary Education. Teacher of the mixed tax school Lucila Araujo y García. I have worked in private institutions Our Lady of Carmen and the Experimental Educational Unit FAE Taura N• 3


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