Analysis of the directive management model in the labor effectiveness of teachers in a fiscal institution

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Leona Pintag-Pilatuña
Patricia Jacqueline Siong - Tay-Gastón


Management in job effectiveness aims to take on the task of being able to identify strategies and actions that help it to form an educational community through the application of specific tasks and operations, which allow them to achieve the objectives defined by the school. The objective of this study is to carry out an analysis of the model used in directive management, determining the labor effectiveness of the teachers of a fiscal school in the marginal urban sector of the city of Guayaquil and to propose a management model that serves as a guide in the process. Where the survey based on the indicators shown by the Ministry of Education was used, to measure the standards of educational quality, in relation to the necessary actions of managers that refer to leadership, administrative management, pedagogical and organizational climate. Where the results indicated the lack of leadership and organizational performance by the managers of the tax institution of the city of Guayaquil.


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How to Cite
Pintag, L., & Siong - Tay, P. (2020). Analysis of the directive management model in the labor effectiveness of teachers in a fiscal institution. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(1), 47-58.
Author Biographies

Leona Pintag-Pilatuña, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


She has a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and a Master's in Educational Management.


I have extensive experience in teaching, in private and public institutions.


In the public institution that I work for, it is a Bilingual Intercultural entity, which was created specifically for the indigenous population residing in the city of Guayaquil. However, the learning processes that we apply allowed space to be opened to the entire public.

I have also written brochures in the Kichwa language, without any official publication, to this date.

Patricia Jacqueline Siong - Tay-Gastón, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador

She is a Second School Teacher and a Bachelor of Science in Education with a Mention in Biological Chemistry and a Master in Educational Management.


Extensive experience in teaching.


I consider myself a responsible, dynamic and creative person, with ease of adaptation and ability to work as a team, under high pressure conditions, with initiative to solve problems efficiently and achieve the goals and objectives proposed by the company.


I am a person with a great desire to work to learn, with leadership skills and willing to work as a team.


My goal is to put into practice the knowledge acquired during my university training and to be part of a work team that allows me to develop personally and professionally


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