The leadership associated with the organizational behavior of teachers in an educational center

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Isabel Alejandrina Franco-Arizaga
Julio César Alvarado-Pico


In Educational Institutions it is essential that their collaborators feel committed and empowered by the well-being of the establishment, where the role of the leader plays a transcendental role, since the leadership applied in the direction of the staff must be reflected in an organizational behavior that complies with the objectives proposed by the institution interested in providing an Educational service according to the expectations of the community. This research aims to generate a Transformational Leadership model as a strategy to promote Organizational Behavior in the Educational Institution to remedy the problem faced by an Educational leader when his leadership is not defined and therefore the activities of the establishment are not correctly directed . Methodologically, a descriptive research was developed with a mixed approach integrating qualitative research, to understand the reality of the campus under study, from the point of view of managers and teachers. The scope of this research is exploratory since the two variables analyzed focus on the type of leadership applied and how it influences organizational behavior. To provide a satisfactory answer in this educational scenario and that its application has the expected results, the structural systemic method, inductive-deductive method and scientific modeling were used within the scientific methodology and as empirical methods, simple observation, the method of scales and expert judgment. As an instrument, a questionnaire with a Likert scale was used to determine the degree of commitment of teachers and the following indicators were considered: Commitment, attitude, proactivity, work performance, initiative and companionship, and the interview. The contributions contained in this research are intended to provide the leader with a leadership model for a successful management of the Educational Center and its influence on the personnel it directs.


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How to Cite
Franco, I., & Alvarado, J. (2020). The leadership associated with the organizational behavior of teachers in an educational center. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(1), 74-84.
Author Biographies

Isabel Alejandrina Franco-Arizaga, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


I am an empathetic, responsible person, conflict mediator, I promote teamwork and training and self-training in teacher professionalization.
Bachelor of Science in Education Master in Educational Management Author of the scientific article "Executive Leadership as an instrument to achieve the empowerment of the educational community”

Julio César Alvarado-Pico, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


I consider myself an empathetic, collaborative, disciplined person, I like to keep up to date and do my job well, showing a high sense of responsibility.
Degree in Physical Culture
Soccer Coach Title


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