Effective directive leadership and its impact on interpersonal relations teachers at José Mejía Lequerica School

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Nancy Patricia Parra-Contreras
Andrea Sixta Silva-Coello


Effective leadership of managers plays a critical role within educational institutions, as it is the predominant factor in meeting educational standards, which helps influence the models and reforms that must be implemented to promote quality education. This study aimed to design innovative effective leadership strategies to help educational managers positively influence teachers' interpersonal relationships, in order to improve the institutional working climate. For which a survey-type questionnaire based on leadership was used, which were taken from the Ecuadorian Ministry of Education's Educational Quality Standards Assessment Manual.  The results indicated that within the educational unit 4 types of leadership were exercised that are authoritarian coercive with 50%, benevolent authoritarian with 25%, consultative 15% and participatory with 10%. Concluding that the implementation of an effective leadership plan helped the educational community of the José María Lequerica School to improve the working climate by increasing the skills, facilitating the development and dissemination of the institutional educational project for the benefit of society, promoting educational quality and increasing efficiency in the realization of their processes.


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How to Cite
Parra, N., & Silva, A. (2020). Effective directive leadership and its impact on interpersonal relations teachers at José Mejía Lequerica School . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(1), 39-46. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2021.1.412
Author Biographies

Nancy Patricia Parra-Contreras, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


Bachelor of Science in Education. Teacher Basic Tax School City of Machala. I have worked in the schools particular Pilar Ross Rossi, Educational Unit Tránsito Amaguaña. Teacher in training of mentaria of the program of pedagogical accompaniment in the territory of the Ministry of Education.

Andrea Sixta Silva-Coello, Universidad Espirítu Santo - Ecuador


Bachelor of Science in Education. Teacher School Francisco Xavier Aguirre Abad 9 years, Basic Tax School City of Machala for 6 years, Education Unit Alberto Perdomo Franco.


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