Structure of Information Required by Companies to use Costume ABC

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Marjorie Chávez
Elizabeth Correa
Maite Vergara


Costeo ABC is interested in producing products and brands. The computer system is considered in small and medium enterprises, which is responsible for a system of control and activation of databases, whose participant is mandatory and arbitrary, which is proposed for production, which is necessary to reduce costs and, in particular, a profitable indirect that the concentration of new technologies of production, information and communication in the activities of business processes is increasing.

This essay seeks to encourage the implementation of the ABC system through an information model to balance the activities that are being developed and allocate resources to the activities that use them. It shows the distribution of data that arise from processes related to those that must be part of the software incorporated in this type of cost control system.



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How to Cite
Chávez, M., Correa, E., & Vergara, M. (2016). Structure of Information Required by Companies to use Costume ABC. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 1(1), 65-78. Retrieved from


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