Aula viva Interdisciplinariedad Quitsato una historia por descubrir

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Myriam Ángel
Carolina Rivas


This research aims to analyze the advantages of the concepts of interdisciplinarity and living classroom as strategies to achieve meaningful learning of the students of the Historical Cultural Tourism career of the Central University of Ecuador.
The work carried out integrated the subjects of Mathematics and History of Tourism for interdisciplinarity, with a field activity in the Quitsato Solar Clock and tour of the Hacienda Guachalà as a live classroom application; of the obtained results these two strategies generated in the students the exchange between the theory and practice, being a technique that can be applied in any field, the collaborative and cooperative work is strengthened; as well as the need to raise the level of research.


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How to Cite
Ángel, M., & Rivas, C. (2017). Aula viva Interdisciplinariedad Quitsato una historia por descubrir. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 2(6), 31-45. Retrieved from


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