Impact of digital education tools (ICTs) training sessions on EuroAmericano Technological Institute student’s behavior.

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Francisco Javier Tafur-Méndez
Antonio Marques-Firmino
Walter Javier Maldonado-De La Cruz
Kennie Gabriel Clark-Arboleda


During the COVID-19 pandemic, several drastic changes have taken place y in social activities and human interaction. Mainly in Education.

This led to mistrust and certain resistance from students, this in part, to the transition from in-class tuition to online education. The unfamiliar scenario, the lack of training in different platforms and learning management systems, and the rediscovering of the NICTs. This gives way to the focus of this article leading to evidence in student behavioral change when utilizing new technological tools and identification of the underlying causes for the reluctance to a seamless use of tools is needed in order to upgrade or update the current resources and teaching methodology to suit the current context.

Taking into consideration the factors that were evaluated in this study (Ortega, 2018, as cited in Hernández, Fernández and Baptista, 2010) a quantitative, exploratory and descriptive research model was carried out, since it is necessary to use a structured technique with established variables that are aligned to the problem. For this reason, the empirical approach was used for this research using two surveys directed at students during the training process in relation to virtual tools and platforms, so that information could be obtained and analyzed to find different solutions to the problem.

At the end of this study, several factors associated to student’s resistance to change were uncovered along with conditions that may create a broader sense of trust and motivation in them, thus, avoiding student desertion.


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How to Cite
Tafur, F., Marques, A., Maldonado, W., & Clark, K. (2020). Impact of digital education tools (ICTs) training sessions on EuroAmericano Technological Institute student’s behavior. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(1), 189-202.
Author Biographies

Francisco Javier Tafur-Méndez, Instituto Superior Tecnológico EuroAmericano - Ecuador


Research Coordinator and Head of Online Education Department at EuroAmericano Technical College.

Researcher for Ecuador's Ministry of Education and Founder and CEO of FETAFUR Consulting S.A.

Master's degree in and educational technology and innovation and Trainer of Trainers.

Antonio Marques-Firmino, Instituto Superior Tecnológico EuroAmericano - Ecuador


Rector of EuroAmericano Technological Institute, a higher education entity, holds a Master’s Degree in Education Management. With more than 40 years of experience, since its humble beginnings in 1980, Mr. Marques has worked as head of leading education centers such as National Cash Register (NCR) Programming Institute, Educativo Micro EDC, EuroAmericano Center for Studies and Culture and EuroAmericano Technological Institute.

Walter Javier Maldonado-De La Cruz, Instituto Superior Tecnológico EuroAmericano - Ecuador


Academic Vice-Rector of the EuroAmericano Higher Technological Institute, Master in Higher Education dedicated to the control and management of the curricular networks of the EuroAmericano courses.

Computer Systems Engineer, developer of commercial applications at the company Solvesa S.A.

Technical Department of the company Sistecom.


Kennie Gabriel Clark-Arboleda, Instituto Superior Tecnológico EuroAmericano - Ecuador

Founder and CEO of Clark Academy, educational entity with its main focus on English Language Teaching and Acquisition. Examiner for Cambridge Assessment English and IELTS Examinations. Holds a BA in translation and education management from Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil. International Baccalaureate Teacher: ib World History. Computer Science Teacher following ICGSE Curriculum. Natural Science Teacher and World History Teacher following Common Core Standards. More than 18 years of teaching experience and further consultancy contributions to curricula restructuring at high-school and university level.


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