Evaluation of Learning: a knowing teacher for the practice of the mathematics teacher

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Nilson de Matos Silva


The present article brings in its essence the ongoing training of professors who work in the Education of Young People and Adults (EJA), concluding the results of a research study on the development of ongoing training that took place in the municipal public network of teaching of Augustus In the period of 2015 to 2016, promoted by the Municipal Secretary of Education (SEMED) within the schools. The objective of this study was to investigate whether the process of ongoing training that took place in two schools, at the time / spaces of Collective Teaching Work (TDC), contributed to the professional development of teachers. Before the investigated aspects, a cut is presented in this article in which some of the results of those formative meetings were presented in terms of their challenges and possibilities. In the field of theoretical reference, Paulo Freire, Francisco Imbérnon, Vera Candau, Tardif, and Nóvoa were adopted to analyze some elements. As a preliminary response of this study, it was possible to affirm that the proposal of formations with the educators of the EJA, in a critical theoretical perspective, developed the process of permanent formation, attuned to a dynamic, interactive, contextualized, lived and founded process in the search of the overcoming of the transformation of the reality of the historical subjects of the EJA.


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How to Cite
de Matos Silva, N. (2017). Evaluation of Learning: a knowing teacher for the practice of the mathematics teacher. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 2(5), 41-49. Retrieved from https://593dp.com/index.php/593_Digital_Publisher/article/view/36


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