Descriptive study of the dairy sector in the province of Tungurahua

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Giomara Carolina Guangasi-Quinfia
William Fabián Teneda-Llerena


In meetings preceded by the "Dairy Platform" in the province of Tungurahua through dialogue, several inconveniences were found in the sector, however, the main requirement is to provide support to strengthen and reinforce the sector, that is, to organize the information to know the reality of the sector and determine a price according to its production.

As an inter-institutional agreement, they undertake to deliver databases that are managed by the milk receiving institutions and to be able to purify the information of the entire sector of the province of Tungurahua. The information obtained includes reception data from 2019 so that the current state of the sector can be known.

The total volume of milk collection for each of the cantons was determined monthly, organizing the information through tables and graphs to compare the price relationship and the influence of fat and protein in milk, with this organized information the variation can be determined and the trend of milk collection and subsequently apply a multiple regression model to predict the sale price of the product.


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How to Cite
Guangasi, G., & Teneda, W. (2020). Descriptive study of the dairy sector in the province of Tungurahua. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 5(6), 90-104.
Author Biographies

Giomara Carolina Guangasi-Quinfia, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Graduated from the Technical University of Ambato Faculty of Administrative Sciences Business Organization Career for graduating as a Business Engineer

William Fabián Teneda-Llerena, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Food Engineer, with Master's studies in Business Strategic Management, Master of Statistics and Doctor of Research Projects (Graduation Process) Environmental Research Line. Research professor since 1996 at the Technical University of Ambato. Evaluator Projects-SENESCYT- Quito-Ecuador -April 2017 and author of several books and research articles in national and international journals. Consultant and National and International Expert in the production chains of fruits, coffee and cocoa since 1993; France, Central America, Colombia, Mexico and Ecuador. Winner of the contest X Prize for Ibero-American Studies La Rábida- International University of Andalusia Spain-2016-Area Technical Sciences.


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