Business Eco-efficiency, a review of its implementation in Latin America

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José Miguel Ponce-Zambrano
Ignacio Wilhem Loor-Colamarco


This research explores recent developments in the field of business eco-efficiency in Latin America, with particular focus on its implementation and current situation in different areas of the economy. The study builds on new practices carried out in developed countries and how some of such practices have been introduced in Latin American countries. The study involves a literature review on eco-efficiency in Latin America, in sectors such as banking, livestock, tourism, textile, and building.


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How to Cite
Ponce, J., & Loor, I. (2020). Business Eco-efficiency, a review of its implementation in Latin America. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 5(5-1), 252-263.
Author Biographies

José Miguel Ponce-Zambrano, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí


Civil Engineer in love with his career, committed to delivering a quality service, seeking above all the welfare and customer satisfaction. With 14 years as a professional and 20 years of experience in the construction field, he has visualized the different aspects of the branch as a contractor, inspector and administrator of public works contracts. In recent years, he specialized in the appraisal of movable and immovable property as a complementary activity. After a successful year of work, he decides to complement his academic studies first with a specialization and, in the not too distant future, a doctorate. Proactive with ease for teamwork, with a high sense of responsibility and honesty, his areas of interest are hydraulic engineering, planning, state public procurement, the valuation of equipment, machinery, real estate and personal property. He is currently a state contractor and an expert in the courts of law.

Ignacio Wilhem Loor-Colamarco, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí


USGP Research Department. PhD in Human Geography from The University of Manchester, UK. Thesis: Informal Green Infrastructure (IGI) and the pursuit of sustainable Development in Quito City. Additionally, she obtained a master's degree in International Business from Nova Southeastern University, United States; and is an Economist from the Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil, Ecuador. He is a researcher in urban planning and sustainable development. His areas of interest are informal settlement infrastructure, the social context of building biomaterials, green infrastructure, social organization of informal settlements, informal practices and the transition to net zero carbon. He has taught the Sustainable Cities module of the course Creating a Sustainable World: 21 ”Century Challenges and the Sustainable Development Goals at the University of Manchester. He is currently director of the Research Department of the USGP


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