Influence of work related Stress among teachers In Private Catholic Schools

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Héctor Alberto Corral-Espinel
Argelio Antonio Hidalgo-Avila


Work stress is a psychosocial factor related to the individual and their workplace. This factor turns out to be very significant for those who study its effects on workers all over the world. The current research measures the impact of stress on teachers in private Catholic schools. The main goal of this study is to establish factors associated with Burnout syndrome (BOS). For this purpose, the Maslach Burnout Inventory - Educators Survey (MBI-ES) was applied to 102 teachers, considering sociodemographic variables such as: gender (male and female) and age (ranging from 20 to 71 years). Using a qualitative description model, very low Burnout results were observed in two out of three subscales: emotional exhaustion (16.67 percent), depersonalization (2.94 percent), and a high level of personal achievement (85,29 percent). In summary, there is a low influence of work related stress on teachers. Age and gender do not show relation to stress levels. It is worth mentioning, that each educational institution has a different organizational culture, being a distinctive and meaningful variable in each study. The information gathered in this investigation is expected to be of great importance in the development of further research.


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How to Cite
Corral, H., & Hidalgo, A. (2020). Influence of work related Stress among teachers In Private Catholic Schools. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 5(5-1), 180-190.
Author Biographies

Héctor Alberto Corral-Espinel, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí


Comercial Engineer

Argelio Antonio Hidalgo-Avila, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí/Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí - Ecuador


Professor of the MBA Program of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Campus Manabí, and Associate Professor I of the Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí (ULEAM), School of Accounting and Auditing, Manabí, Ecuador. Bachelor of Economics (2001) and Master of Business Administration (2008) from Universidad de Oriente, Cuba, Mention in Business Administration. PhD student at the University of Havana (Cuba). Specialty PhD: Applied Economics. He has work experience as a teacher teaching different subjects in the area of operations research, mathematical modeling, quantitative methods, statistics, administration, accounting and education, in business administration, tourism, hospitality, accounting and auditing, and early childhood education. He has participated in different research projects and is the author of different scientific publications, as part of the work carried out at the Laica Eloy Alfaro University in Manabí (ULEAM). He has taught master's modules at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador - Manabí Headquarters and at the National University of Piura (Peru), on product management, accident investigation, process management and strategic management. For his results in the business field, he was creditor of different recognitions and merits, where he obtained application results with the improvement of commercial management, internal control, service quality, and an increase in the number of clients, specifically in companies. They sell spirits oriented to the all-inclusive and non-hotel sectors.


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