Trade negotiation skills of the footwear sector: a study based on the focus Psycho Consult

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Henry Rafael Barrionuevo-Balladares
Jorge Francisco Abril-Flores


The province of Tungurahua is the leading producer and marketer of national footwear, with 65.0% of the production of national footwear. The Psycho Consult Approach is an evaluation methodology for 4 negotiation skills, which are: 1) technical skills, 2) personality skills, 3) team skills, and 4) managerial and administrative skills. The study proposes an investigator the degree of mastery of the negotiation skills of the footwear sector of Tungurahua. The methodology approach addresses the following particularities; exploratory study, bibliographic methodology, qualitative approach and digital data analysis plan. The results indicate that there is a high mastery of personality competencies and notable deficiencies in administrative and managerial competences. It is concluded that negotiators have the necessary competencies to generate constant relationships and transactions with consumers.


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How to Cite
Barrionuevo, H., & Abril, J. (2020). Trade negotiation skills of the footwear sector: a study based on the focus Psycho Consult. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 5(6), 26-34.
Author Biographies

Henry Rafael Barrionuevo-Balladares, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Henry Rafael Barrionuevo Balladares resides in the city of Ambato, he participated in research work on "Social Responsibility in the banana plantations of the province of Los Ríos: Carroll's model", in addition to participating in seminars and conferences on digital marketing, neuromarketing, etc. Development of Marketing strategies at Enjoy's Jeans company, in the city of Ambato

Jorge Francisco Abril-Flores, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Jorge Francisco Abril Flores, is a native of Ambato (Ecuador). He has a Master's degree in Business Administration - Planning mention from the Catholic University of Ecuador. He has been teaching since 2002. External advisor to several private companies, both local and regional. Author of the books "Basic Accounting for Non-Accountants", "Language Arts", he has also published more than 10 scientific articles


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