The place of initial teacher training in the curricular matrices of the course of Nursing

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Aldrina Confessor


This study presents the initial results of a broader research on the conceptions of teaching and learning and the relation with the pedagogical practice assumed by teachers in nursing and that has the purpose of establishing a contrast between the curricular matrices of a course of Bachelor and Bachillerato Course in Nursing looking for elements related to the initial formation for the teaching in the graduation. To fulfill this objective, an exploratory and descriptive, documentary, qualitative and quantitative research was carried out, the data being tabulated and analyzed in light of the National Curricular Guidelines of the Nursing Course. It is considered that, in spite of the legal recommendations, in the course of the degree of the researched institution, there is no place for the initial teacher training of the nurses, which responds in the conceptions of teaching and learning that are based on the pedagogical practices assumed by nurses.


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How to Cite
Confessor, A. (2017). The place of initial teacher training in the curricular matrices of the course of Nursing. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 2(5), 4-13. Retrieved from


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