Relationship between customer service quality and real-estate sales: Systematic

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Angela Viviana Cevallos-Mejía
Lucía Bernarda Rivadeneira-Barreiro


Competition from globalized markets generates among organizations the need for searching tools and strategies to achieve customer acquisition and loyalty. This is especially true in competitive industries such as real-estate companies, where to remain at the forefront, they must implement alternatives and actions to satisfy and improve customer service quality. This study aims to analyze the relationship between customer service quality and real-estate sales through a systematic and detailed review of the existing literature within the last 5 years. For this purpose, it was implemented a qualitative-exploratory study approach using a descriptive scope and based on the PRISMA method. PRISMA allows, through precise steps, the planning, preparation, and publication of the available literature. As the main results of the systematization, 1.099 studies were initially identified, selecting 11 academic papers that met the inclusion/exclusion and quality parameters established in PRISMA. This study concludes that the literature that relates these two concepts is scarce and has not been studied in depth, hence future research is necessary.


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How to Cite
Cevallos, A., & Rivadeneira, L. (2020). Relationship between customer service quality and real-estate sales: Systematic . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 5(5-1), 40-49.
Author Biographies

Angela Viviana Cevallos-Mejía, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí


Angela is a Marketing Engineer, with experience in the administrative field. The research stage has been carried out during the master's degree in Business Administration (2019-2020) at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Manabí Headquarters, interested in inherent issues of quality and productivity, especially in services.

Lucía Bernarda Rivadeneira-Barreiro, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí


Lucia is a PhD(c) at The University of Manchester, UK. She completed her MSc in Information Systems at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Her research interest is focused on how machine learning approaches can be used to predict social media impacts on decision making in the political field.


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